
Abstraxo is a new web tool for visualizing structured information. It aids users in drawing and auto-generating mind maps from different sources. It's design is minimal, functional, and intuitive.

As users define nodes, relations, and properties, Abstraxo draws a meaningful structure helping users better understand the information. Also, nodes are self positioned.

Multiple mind maps can be created in the same view; import / export operations can help users share the generated structures; And Wiki Import feature allows the auto-conversion of Wikipedia's articles into mind maps.

The app is developed by Filip Biterski and deployed on May 25th 2020.

the future

I would love to expand this app, introduce new features, release updates consistently, keep it ad-free, and generally make it more accessible and intuitive for use.

support the app

To help me keep on improving and maintaining this app, consider buying me a coffee


Have a question, an idea for a new feature, or want to report an issue?

Send me an email to filip.biterski@gmail.com